Student Moving and Storage Service


Don't stress about your dorm or apartment belongings during the Summer break!
Wilcan Logistics offers moving and temporary storage solutions for the United Kingdom area students.
Whether you're headed home for the summer or traveling the world, let Wilcan handle your stuff. Our services make it easy to move out worry-free and get your belongings when you're back to school.
#Wilcan #寶加物流 #搬屋 #移民 #移民英國 #移民加拿大 #移民澳洲 #加拿大生活 #英國生活 #澳洲生活 #HKIG #HongKong #運車 #byebyehongkong #byebyehk #relocation #StreamA #StreamB #HKpathway #UK #London #Manchester #Reading #United Kingdom #Canada #Vancouver #Toronto #Singapore #USA